This website is about the Government's response to the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry.
The Royal Commission was established in 2018 to investigate children, young people, and vulnerable adults’ experiences of abuse and neglect in State and non-State care in Aotearoa New Zealand between the years of 1950-1999.
The Royal Commission ended on 25 June 2024. Its final report and recommendations Whanaketia, Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light Whakairihia ki te tihi o Maungārongo was publicly released on Wednesday 24 July 2024 on its website(external link).
About the Crown response
In 2018 a Crown response secretariat was established to coordinate multiple agencies to engage with and respond to the Royal Commission in an effective and timely way.
In 2019 the secretariat evolved into a Crown Response Unit to address the recommendations in the Royal Commission’s 2021 redress report. He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu. From Redress to Puretumu Torowhānui.
In 2024 a Crown Response Office was established following a recommendation in Whanaketia for a central government agency to coordinate, monitor and report on the government’s response to the Royal Commission. The office sits in the Public Service Commission.
On this site, you can find out about:
the government's response to the recommendations from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry
support available to survivors of abuse in care, or their whānau.
To contact the Crown Response Office:
postal: Crown Response Office, PO Box 546, Wellington 6140
We have a list of telephone helplines, information and support here: Help and Support