As part of Budget 2020 [The Treasury guide 'Putting it Together'(external link)(external link) provides an overview of New Zealand’s State sector finance system and how the Budget process works], $8.180 million of funding was provided to ensure an effective, timely Crown Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions (the Abuse in Care Inquiry). The following table shows how the funding is spread across a two appropriations [an appropriation is a parliamentary authorisation for the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure] and Votes [a Vote is a grouping of one or more appropriations that are the responsibility of a Minister of the Crown and are administered by a department. Votes generally take the name of the portfolio of the Vote Minister].
The funding covers a cross-agency Crown Response Unit to deliver a coordinated Crown approach, legal support for representation and procedural questions, support services for affected staff, and specialist records and research support to agencies to provide information to the Abuse in Care Inquiry and individuals affected by the Inquiry.
Vote and appropriation |
Relevant agency |
What it covers for the Crown Response |
Funding ($, million) |
Expenditure ($, million) |
Notes |
Vote Oranga Tamariki Appropriation: Crown Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-Based Institutions (M66) |
Crown Response Unit Oranga Tamariki |
A separate appropriation that covers funding for:
5.964 (plus 3.843 carried forward from 2019/20) |
6.050 |
To support other agencies, central support funding of $0.500 million was transferred to the Ministry of Education and $0.320 million transferred to NZ Police Unspent funding carried forward to next year |
Vote Internal Affairs Appropriation: National Archival and Library Services (M41) |
Archives New Zealand |
Included within the ongoing multi-category expense appropriation for the management and provision of access to knowledge and information for New Zealand and supporting government accountability is funding for:
2.166 |
2.166 |
Total |
8.130 |
8.316 |
The funding is for one year only. The Crown Response will be applying for the following year’s funding as part of each Budget process. This will help ensure that agencies are responding to the specific needs of the Abuse in Care Inquiry and people affected by the Inquiry in a given year.