Kia ora koutou,

Below you will find some information on Government statements following the public release of Whanaketia – Through Pain and Trauma, From Darkness to Light the final report from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care of the State and Faith-based Institutions: Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light | Abuse in Care - Royal Commission of Inquiry(external link)

Announcement of a public apology 12 November 2024

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced he will deliver a public apology on 12 November 2024. The announcement was in a post-Cabinet press conference on 22 July that can be found here(external link), however it is cut and pasted below for ease of reading:

“……, I just have one more announcement to make, and that is that three weeks ago the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith based Institutions delivered its final report to the Governor-General. This marks the end of the largest and most complex public inquiry ever held in New Zealand, and I do want to personally acknowledge the courage of nearly 3,000 survivors, who shared their experiences of abuse and neglect with the commission and contributed to this important work. There are two significant milestones I want to talk to today. Firstly, the report and its recommendations will be made public when the report is presented to Parliament this Wednesday, 24 July. And this will be a significant milestone for survivors of abuse in care and their families. And, secondly, it is important the Crown addresses and acknowledges the experiences of abuse in care at a national level. And today I’m announcing that I will make the public apology here at Parliament on 12 November. The Government, of course, will invite cross-party representation at the event, and more information will be made available in the coming months.”

Prime Minister’s Speech in Parliament about Whanaketia – Through Pain and Trauma, From Darkness to Light, 24 July 2024

PM speech to Parliament – Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Report into Abuse in Care | link)

Joint Press Release Prime Minister/Minister Stanford: Acknowledgement of torture at Lake Alice, 24 July 2024

Government acknowledges torture at Lake Alice | link)

Joint Press Release Prime Minister/Minister Stanford Acknowledgement of survivors, 24 July 2024

Government acknowledges courageous abuse survivors | link)

We will keep you updated on details of the public apology and the Crown Response work on an initial assessment of the final report and recommendations.

Ngā mihi,

Crown Response Unit

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