As part of Budget 2021 [the Treasury guide Putting It Together(external link)(external link) provides an overview of New Zealand’s State sector finance system and how the Budget process works], $14.836 million of funding was provided to ensure the Crown continues to respond to the Abuse in Care Inquiry in a timely, joined up way.  The Crown must provide a large volume of material, make witnesses available and respond to the Inquiry’s requests and findings as it proceeds.

The following table shows how the funding is spread across a number of appropriations [an appropriation is a parliamentary authorisation for the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure] and Votes [a Vote is a grouping of one or more appropriations that are the responsibility of a Minister of the Crown and are administered by a department. Votes generally take the name of the portfolio of the Vote Minister].  The funding covers:

  • the Crown Response Unit providing overall coordination and administration for the cross-agency Crown Response;
  • specialist research, modelling, and policy support, to help agencies respond to Abuse in Care Inquiry requests for analysis and Inquiry recommendations;
  • specialist records management support, including secure records retrieval, digitisation, and processing for both the Abuse in Care Inquiry and care leavers affected by the Inquiry;
  • legal support for representation and procedural matters;
  • wellbeing, safety, and cultural support for current and former staff; and
  • records management services to NGOs and Crown entities.
Vote and appropriation Relevant agency Funding ($, million)

Vote Courts

Appropriation: Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services Multi-Category Appropriation

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry component of the larger appropriation – please see page 7 of the Vote Courts Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Ministry of Justice 0.599

Vote Education

Appropriation: Oversight of the Education System Multi-Category Appropriation

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry component of the larger appropriation – please see page 10 of the Vote Education Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Ministry of Education 1.000

Vote Health

Appropriation: Health Sector Information Systems

Appropriation: Managing the Purchase of Services

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry components of the larger appropriations – please see page 19 of the Vote Health Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Ministry of Health 0.750 

Vote Internal Affairs

Appropriation: National Archival and Library Services Multi-Category Appropriation

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry components of the larger appropriation – please see page 115 of the Vote Internal Affairs Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Archives New Zealand 3.458 

Vote Justice

Appropriation: Justice Policy Advice

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry component of the larger appropriation – please see page 78 of the Vote Justice Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Ministry of Justice 0.390 

Vote Māori Development

Appropriation: Te whakatinanatanga o ngā wawata ā-pāpori, ā-ōhanga, ā-whakawhanaketanga ahurea o te iwi Māori | Realising the social, economic and cultural development aspirations of Māori

(Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry component of the larger appropriation – please see page 8 of the Vote Māori Development Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))
Te Puni Kōkiri 0.150 

Vote Oranga Tamariki

Appropriation: Crown Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-Based Institutions

(Includes funding for: i) the Crown Response Unit; ii) cross-agency legal, records management, research, and people support; and, iii) Oranga Tamariki’s own response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry – please see page 125 of the Vote Oranga Tamariki Estimates of Appropriations 2021/22(external link)(external link))

Crown Response Unit (as part of the 2021/22 central funding, the Department of Corrections and NZ Police have nominated amounts held to be drawn on as required)

Oranga Tamariki

 Total   14.836 

The funding is for one year only. The Crown Response applies for funding on a year-by-year basis to ensure it has the right resources to respond to the specific needs of the Abuse in Care Inquiry.

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